Uro-nephrological cancers include:
- Prostate cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer death with less than 10,000 deaths a year. The increased decline in prostate cancer mortality since 2000 is due to improved treatment of this cancer.
- Bladder cancer is the second most common cancer of the urinary system after prostate cancer. It is far more common in men than in women.
- Kidney cancer accounts for 2 to 3% of all cancers and affects twice as many men as women.
The Center covers uro-nephrological cancers at all stages of the disease in partnership with the University Hospital of Nice and carries out:
- Consultations
- The various radiological and biological examinations for initial and follow-up assessments
- Treatments: surgery (in partnership with the urology department of the University Hospital of Nice), radiotherapy, brachytherapy, chemotherapy,
- Recurrence management
- Organization and implementation of post-therapeutic monitoring
Pr Jean-Marc Ferrero
Dr Delphine Borchiellini
Dr Nicolas Martin
Dr Matthieu Durand
Dr Véronique Mari (Onco-genetics)
Pr Jean-Michel Hannoun-Lévi
Dr Médéric Barret
Dr Marie-Eve Chand Fouché